How Creativity Heals and Illness Creates

How Creativity Heals and Illness Creates Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS Ready to get nerdy? Awesome. As a psychologist with a background in research, I...
Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

They’re hanging garland up against old brick buildings. Stores, wallets, and hearts are opening. Trees are being chopped down – lights are going up. It seems like as soon as the decorations come out, everyone starts talking about home. Home for the holidays is...
When He Walked – An Interview with Jason DaSilva

When He Walked – An Interview with Jason DaSilva Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS Jason is a filmmaker, living in New York City.  While we were recording, he was staring out his...
You Are Art with Cara Lindsay

You Are Art with Cara Lindsay Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS Each of our stories is unique.  We’re born and then our path is colored with events and people...
Give Me A Break

Give Me A Break Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS Sometimes we choose a pause.  Sometimes it’s forced upon us.  For those of us with chronic...
Forgive Yo’ Self

Forgive Yo’ Self Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS Chronic Illness brings with it a sense of responsibility for our sickness. We assume a sense of...
Bringing Body Back

Bringing Body Back Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS What does getting back into the body even mean?! Aryn helps me understand this (and hopefully you...
My Shame Story

My Shame Story Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS This episode I share a story from my own history with shame.  It’s interesting though, that as...