Chronic Illness Coaching

Every forum and every pamphlet and every doctor will tell you to find your new normal as a person with an illness.  What if I told you you didn’t have to settle for that?  What if I told you you could have yourself back and then some?  Because you can.  And I can help you get there. I am a licensed school psychologist and chronic wellness advocate.

 I understand the emotional and psychological toll a chronic illness can take as someone who has gone through it, and I have used my experience, as well as my education and background to put together a coaching program which will guide you day by day back to the you I know you miss.  Coaching sessions are available virtually or in person.

Nature Therapy - Walk + Talk Coaching

I consider nature to be one of the pillars to healing and always include it in the plans I write up for my clients.  These particular coaching packages will be combining traditional wellness therapy with one on one forest therapy walks.  Walks are 2-3 hours and can be done in person or virtually.  As a trained forest therapy guide (find the details on this other business of mine here) I will help you reconnect to yourself and the more than human world anywhere you can find yourself within nature.  We’ll also meet in typical sessions and work weekly to accomplish the goals developed at the beginning of your coaching.  Check out the options below 🙂

Divorce/Break-Up Coaching

Loss of self is a common theme not only in chronic illness, but also during and after divorce or the loss of a significant relationship.  These coaching packages will focus on unpacking grief that comes with a divorce/break-up and re-establishing one’s identity.  As with all coaching packages, a plan will be developed based on goals and specific homework and topics will be identified after the first session.  Available in person or virtually.