by Callie | Dec 30, 2017 | beautiful, chronic disease, chronic illness, creative, creativity, discouragement, encouragement, Grief, hope, writing
The New Year. This is the time we are supposed to reflect on the year past, considering all we lived well, and regenerating our mistakes into well thought out goals for next year. Sometimes I think my goals are just a way to satisfy the cognitive dissonance between...
by Callie | Dec 8, 2017 | beautiful, chronic disease, chronic illness, creative, creativity, discouragement, encouragement, Grief, hope, writing
We made it. We’ve cruised through grief (more like bumped, and skidded, and shredded our way through, but still), and we’re at the final stage, which is acceptance. Now, remember, these are purely my adulterations of Dr. Kubler-Ross’s stages of grief, conformed to...
by Callie | Nov 27, 2017 | chronic disease, chronic illness, Grief, hope, suicidal thoughts, suicide
Explanation of Absence Friends. I got a puppy. I have been preoccupied with said puppy as he beguiles me with his adorable cuteness and frustrates me with his frequent poop and pee sprinkles all over the floors of my house. (I am sharing a handful of puppy photos...
by Callie | Nov 9, 2017 | chronic disease, chronic illness, diagnosis, discouragement, encouragement, Grief, hope
This is part two of my series on grief as it exists within chronic disease. If you missed Part 1, please click here. All caught up? Great! Let’s move on. 3. Bargaining (1 and 2 in Part 1 – see above) Let’s Make a Deal The next stage in grief, according...
by Callie | Nov 2, 2017 | chronic disease, chronic illness, diagnosis, discouragement, encouragement, Grief, hope
Grief is a passenger. This is weird because all of a sudden you have this stranger sitting next to you. You have no idea who you just picked up. It could be this sweatheart of a guy who is going to help you recover from this ordeal in the easiest and smoothest of...