Life is constantly throwing obstacles our way, particularly for those of us with chronic illness. Not many will be able to say their life was free of pain, or difficult circumstances, but that has never been the point. It’s what these events do in and through us which can turn us into the kind of people who give up or the kind of people who persevere. Which brings me to someone I would like to introduce and the very first guest on the Chronically Well Podcast.

Britteny Winsett is a longtime blogger, writer, and Instagram health and wellness, green beauty, clean living influencer, who shares with us her difficulties with infertility, Epstein-barr, and adjusting to life without Borders (the store, not the expression).  

She has been writing for years and fills us in on her history with writing and blogging, photography and creativity.  Friends, if you want to laugh and cry and learn something you never knew about Dolly Parton, tune into this episode. Britteny is my chronic illness kick ass guest number one and she does one hell of a job “kicking” off this series. (Pun fully intended)

To hear more from Britteny, you can find her website here:

Catch her on Instagram here: @celeryandthecity

P.S. For those of you concerned about the way we left the plural of uterus hanging, Merriam Webster indicates both uteruses and uteri are correct.  So, there you go. Closure.

P.P.S. Go order yourself a blunt at

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.
Delicious Ambiguity.” 
― Gilda Radner