After a lengthy gestation, I am thrilled to announce the arrival of my brand new baby: the Chronically Well Podcast!

Friends. This is going to be fun. Because, here’s the thing: I love to write. I equally love to talk. Even more than both: I love talking to inspiring people.

Quite frankly, I’m over uninspiring. I’m done with hum-drum, sad, barely existing people. They bore me. They were also the people I looked to when I got sick, and wondered why I wasn’t getting better. Gah – over it. So over it. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done.

Community is wonderful, but community which fosters a static spirit is not my cup of tea, and one of my goals for this podcast is to introduce you to a community of people who are living well despite illness.

When I was surviving the worst of my symptoms, I kept looking, hoping, and praying, in vain, to find people who were sick, but better. Better, but sick. How is this possible, you ask? Oh, friend, it’s everything.

I consider those of us who have experienced the darkest nights haven been given a great advantage, because we know what a thrill it is to live a gleaming, gorgeous life.

We appreciate pain free days and long conversations with friends. We drink a cup of coffee with fervor and walk by the river, listening to the birds, and feeling the breeze brush past our shoulders and we know what a beautiful thing it is to be alive. Because, I think, if you taste just enough of death, you actually, finally, learn how to live.

And that’s really what this podcast is all about: living. Abundant, joy-filled, thirsty living. We’re not just sick people – we’re people – and we have to stop identifying with the sick so we can truly live chronically well.

This first episode is a foray into why I started this journey, as well as what you can expect from this podcast, including content, format, and all the logistical tidbits you may want to know.

I want you to walk away thinking, “Yeah, cool, this is my place” or “Nope – not for me.” Of course, I think this is going to be a really, really great place, with people you are going to love, and I want as many friends as I can get to join me over here in this crazy chronically well living, but I’ll back off and let you decide.

So, download up above to listen to the Chronically Well Podcast, Episode 1, An Introduction. 

And come back next week when I will be launching, the first series, Chronic Illness Kick Asses.  We’re just going to jump right into those inspiring stories I told you about, so be sure you are subscribed here or on iTunes.

Until then, go live your life well, friend.