You can.  You don’t have to believe me.  I didn’t believe myself, and yet I managed to find myself on the other side of illness, divorce, and all kinds of heartbreak.  But it isn’t the other side of it where the magic happens – it’s in it.  In the deep dark trenches of it – where the learning, healing, and becoming exists.

Four years ago, I recorded a video of myself having a complete “momma lost her shit” moment.  I was sobbing – unsure how I was going to keep up with the house, the divorce, the kids, and planning for the future – let alone attending to the crippling emotions which hitch themselves to losing a marriage and breaking up a family.  I also thanked myself.  I told myself I hoped it was worth it.

Watching that video was at first humbling.  I wasn’t sure if I had lived up to what I was hoping I would.  And then I wrote myself a letter.  And that is what I am sharing on this podcast episode.  What I realized as I wrote was that the moments I have found myself at my worst, I have actually rid myself of the superfluous everything else which cloaks me from true authenticity, love and joy.  Pain wakes us up.  If you’re brave enough to accept this, I think that whatever it is that you are facing may actually be the answer you have needed all along.

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You are never alone – You are loved – It gets better