Did you know that time in the forest has been supported in research to be excellent for physical health?  And this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the benefits to spending just 2.5 to 3 hours outside.  In this episode, I interview Ben Page, Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, Mentor and Trainer, founder of Shinrin Yoku LA, Director of Training for ANFT guides and programs, and co founder of The Open School.  He is featured in Women’s health, USA Today, Good Morning America, The Washington Post, and Web MD.

If you’re looking for someone to explain forest bathing/forest therapy, I can think of no better person.  Ben was also my trainer in the ANFT forest therapy guide program and as I have learned this new practice, I’ve understood that forest therapy is not just a jaunt through the woods – it’s understanding the urgency to live as if you are alive.

Ben talks in this podcast about how we spend so much time trying to figure out “who we are” that we miss the valuable part of living, and that’s just it: living…being…Because WHAT we are is actually nature, all around us.  Forest bathing helps us remember this and gives practical steps to embodiment.

Check out this episode!  And if you’d like to learn more about Ben and purchase his book (I recommend you do – it’s a great primer into forest bathing, particularly if you don’t have a guide in your area to take you for a walk)

His Website:


The Book:

Healing Trees: A Pocket Guide to Forest Bathing

If you’re looking for a guide in your area, I am biased, but I definitely recommend an Association of Nature and Forest Therapy trained guide.  The program teaches us a sequence for practice that is made to provide the best experience for our participants.  We also are taught to research and acknowledge the land we guide on, identify hazards for participants, and understand that we don’t just take from nature, but are in a constant relationship with it.   To find a guide near you, click this directory.

OH and hey!  I took a break from podcasting to dedicate myself to training as a guide and I now am offering walks!  Check out my new website where you can book a walk at:
