by Callie | Sep 14, 2017 | chronic disease, chronic illness, creative, creativity, diagnosis, discouragement, encouragement, Grief, hope
After I came home from the “death session” (the cystoscopy which diagnosed Interstitial Cystitis), I found myself in a new predicament: I felt foreign; like an alien in my own skin. My thoughts were broadcasting in German, or Russian, or some sort of combination of...
by Callie | Jul 13, 2017 | beautiful, chronic disease, chronic illness, creative, creativity, diagnosis, discouragement, encouragement, Grief, hope, Uncategorized
It seems obvious, but half of the terrible things you go through as someone with a chronic disease are caused by other people. And that’s sad. Rather sad. Ruthlessly sad. One should not have to prove their pain, and yet, most of us with chronic disease have had...
by Callie | Jul 7, 2017 | chronic disease, chronic illness, creative, creativity, CSF Leak, diagnosis, discouragement, encouragement, hope, suicidal thoughts, suicide
As I was scrolling through Facebook yesterday, I was caught by a post someone had left on my husband’s cousin’s page. It was the most beautifully crafted support of a friend. In it, the author, Farzeen, discussed the injury my “cousin-in-law”...
by Callie | Jul 3, 2017 | beautiful, chronic disease, chronic illness, creative, creativity, diagnosis, discouragement, encouragement, hope, Uncategorized
Friends. How are you doing? Let’s talk… Since I wrote my last post on discouragement, it seems I have let loose a little jackass in my brain who is running around, wreaking havoc on all hopes and aspirations. He’s finding every neural passageway identified...
by Callie | Jun 27, 2017 | chronic disease, chronic illness, creative, creativity, diagnosis, discouragement, encouragement, hope, suicidal thoughts, suicide
Do you ever have something inside that wants to be heard, but you can’t quite pinpoint exactly what it is that it wants to say? I have written an entire manuscript on my tumultuous affair with chronic disease and yet writing a single blog post sometimes...
by Callie | May 6, 2017 | beautiful, chronic disease, chronic illness, creative, creativity, diagnosis, discouragement, encouragement, hope, parenting, weird
Tallulah is our four-year-old and if any of my children are going to use their hands to create, it will be her. I still draw stick figures, so, when she draws an eye with a pupil, iris, outer lid and eyelashes, I choke on my soup. It’s amazing! This tiny little...