Hey, friends! I am Callie Hunter, a school psychologist, writer and podcaster. I work for two public school districts and this webinar is for students and parents to discuss the facts of the coronavirus, common emotions and fears, and ways to cope.

Normal Emotions/Fears Right Now for Kids:
-worry for friends and family
-worry for self
-missing your routine
-missing school and getting out of the house
-we all respond differently

-can cause us to feel things in our minds and bodies
-can make us angry
-change our sleep
-OR Maybe you are not feeling any of these things at all

Remember: “It’s OK for me to feel this way” – whatever you feel is OK

But I want you to feel better.

Facts of Coronavirus for Kids (pulled from brainpop)
-a virus is a tiny particle that invades our cells (building blocks of our bodies)
-a virus makes us sick
-you’ve probably had one and our bodies fight them
-coronavirus is a type of virus (most colds are a coronavirus)
-the new coronavirus or COVID-19 is a specific kind which causes coughing, fever, and shortness of breath
-most healthy bodies will fight this virus and feel better quickly
-it is dangerous for people with pre-existing conditions or elderly (nicer way to say old – lol)
-virus began in Wuhan, China and has spread
-an outbreak is when a virus spreads

Here are things we can do to stay safe:
-wash our hands (20 seconds minimum – songs work great!)
-keep your hands off your face (rewards for this would be helpful!)
-cover your cough/sneeze
-stay home

Why are we at home?
-germs can only spread if we let them
-if we stay home, they’ll die and the virus will stop spreading

Will I get sick? Could people die?
-you may get sick, but most kids don’t even know they have it. Your body will fight it.
-we’re staying inside to protect people who COULD die if they get sick (the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions)

Your Home is the Safe Zone

Can I go outside and play?
YES! You should! If you play on playground equipment, remember to wash your hands, and if you go to the park with other people, stay six feet apart.

Coping – big word for feeling better about being scared

How can we cope?
-control what you can (above)
-find a trusted adult and talk about how you feel
-write or draw in a journal
-listen to music
-meditate (apps for kids like Headspace)
-try the 5-4-3-2-1 mindfullnesss exercise

Remember: You are Safe and Your Parents Love You

Find Fun Things to Do!

This is temporary. It will not last forever.

For Parents: (check out this article for details: 5 C’s for Helping Kids Cope During the Coronavirus Outbreak)
-stay calm and provide safety
-do one new fun activity a day
-follow a schedule (even a loose one)
-let them know they are loved
-let’s think of this as added time with our kids that we did not have before
-ask daily how they are feeling (bedtime is a great time for this checkin)

Find me on Instagram with any further questions: @riverandquill